Urban warmth
Borneostraat, Amsterdam

Urban Warmth

This modern loft shows that minimalism does not have to be cold and sleek. DMD Amsterdam was asked to turn a private home into a custom-designed smooth, and modern apartment.
The owner’s wishes inspired the loft design that balances industrial materials and natural soft textures. The kitchen mixes state-of-the-art materials and the natural warmth of oak wood. This custom-designed, minimalistic, white steel staircase showcases refined simplicity, which melts together to create Urban Warmth. We have made a feeling of luxury that exudes urban warmth with high-quality materials.

Need help designing your loft? DMD Amsterdam would love to help you.

Photos by

Jelle Rietveld

“Softening of industrial hardness by soft materials such as velvet, eucalyptus and cotton”

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